Wetlands without Borders

About the region
The La Plata Basin is the world’s largest connected freshwater wetland system. It is rich in biodiversity and serves as a crucial regulator of local and global weather and climate. It is also important to the social and economic well-being of millions of people.

About the programme
Preservation of the La Plata Basin is essential for protecting the region from flood and drought, and preserving the quality of life of its inhabitants. Wetlands without Borders aims for the preservation and restoration of the La Plata Basin and to promote sustainable development in the region.

Free flowing rivers
The myriad rivers that together form the La Plata Basin are essential for the health of the wetland area and its people. They are the natural habitat of countless species. They are a source of food and water for drinking, washing and irrigation. They are a means of...

Civic participation
Millions of people depend on the ecosystems of the La Plata Basin, either directly or indirectly. Rural communities make a living through fishing, small-scale agriculture and tourism. They use the water for drinking, irrigation, washing and travel. People in the...

The governments of the La Plata Basin are heavily promoting the production and expansion of large-scale export-oriented industrial agribusiness, mainly soy and cattle. Intensive production of animals and crops has had a devastating impact on the La Plata Basin...

Biocultural corridors
The La Plata Basin was once comprised of interconnected ecosystems – jungles, savannahs, grasslands and wetlands – joined together via the water. Today, the region’s intact natural and cultural habitats are mainly found in fragmented protected areas and indigenous...

¡Presentamos “La cuenca en la escuela”!
Tenemos la alegría de lanzar el primer curso abierto y autogestionado destinado a docentes que tengan interés en trabajar con sus estudiantes el patrimonio natural y cultural de la Cuenca Matanza-Riachuelo desde diferentes enfoques y con una mirada multidimensional....

Festival de Cine Ribereño “Ríe”
El sábado 4 de febrero en conmemoración del día mundial por los Humedales, se llevó a cabo en el Teatro Español de la localidad de Magdalena, el Festival de Cine Ribereño "Ríe" con una selección de producciones audiovisuales de destacados realizadores con eje en...

A future for the Pantanal – interview with Cláudia Regina Sala de Pinho
In the triangle formed by Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay lies the Pantanal, the world’s largest inland wetland. It is half the size of Germany and harbours a vast amount of biodiversity. Increasing agricultural exploitation is threatening this ecosystem, however. The...

Pantanal pede socorro na #COP27
Pantanal pede socorro na #COP27 - maior área alagada do mundo já perdeu 74% da superfície de água. Ativistas realizam ações em Cáceres (MT) e Sharm El-Sheikh (Egito) denunciando o governador do Mato Grosso, Mauro Mendes.